I believe that my experience throughout the Invisalign procedure was delightful. Every time I was given clear instruction on how to keep, my teeth in line. It was clear and simple and quite fast.
Orthodontics, especially as an adult, is an experience, but Dr. Mendlik and the staff at Mendlik Orthodontics make it a good experience. They are thorough, knowledgeable, and very welcoming and friendly. I'm seen on time for appointments, and they work with my schedule to find appointment times that work for me. I've had my braces on for 3 months. I've had little discomfort, I'm seeing great results, and I'm excited to see how things progress. Thanks Mendlik Orthodontics for helping me achieve a healthy, happy smile! :)
I think that this was my best Orthodontist expierence. The doctors and assistants were super friendly and nice. They explained things very well and I knew what they were going to do and what would happen. In other words they were very thorough. I would highly recommend going to Medlik Orthodontics.
Everyone there is very friendly. All of the people there work very hard to make sure your teeth become straight. Mendlik Orthodontics is very efficient because they start treatment as soon as possible.
Mendlik Orthodontics is GREAT! All the Employees are so kind!
I look forward to appointments here because it is fun to get things fixed in my mouth. My teeth are basically straight after 4 months of braces. All of the orthodontists are so nice to talk to also.
All of the Orthodontists and staff are so nice!! They seem like they genuinely care and want to help! I’ve always been afraid of the dentist but never dread coming back for an appointment at Mendlik.
It was a great experience and staff was very helpful.